Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Pete Stewart is having his solo release soon and asked me last week if I would come up with something for it. Pete is all pro, all killa, all good. Working with him in the studio was priceless and he has an incredible reputation in the music industry. I'm really honored that he asked me to design a poster for this incredible occasion. He will be joined by my brother/pal TK as well. It's gonna be a swell show! I won't be able to make it due to GV touring :( boo hoo

Design wise I wanted it to be really clean. I asked Pete if he had any ideas he wanted me to work with and he told me 'jus something rootsy and its gonna be all acoustic'. There's some Small Stakes influence in this in the minimalistic nature of this. ALSO I've been wanting to do something with wood grain (my fav texture pattern ever) for awhile and as soon as I thought of that I saw this poster in my head.

1 comment:

ALANMAN said...

This is pretty hot. Great job Tom.